Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving is (not such) a moveable feast

Our Feast.
As almost all Americans know, Thanksgiving is a moveable feast, taking place on the fourth Thursday of November each year.  Thus, like Easter, its date can change.  Because of that, we decided earlier this year that we would move ours and let our Thanksgiving celebration only be at a friend's house and ignore the need to celebrate on Thanksgiving Day.  However, when we woke up on Thursday, it still felt like Thanksgiving, thousands of miles from the United States though we are.

We had to work a full day, but I had some free time in the afternoon.  Because of my experience creating masterpieces with Laura with only a toaster oven in our dorm room, I was able to pull off a Thanksgiving feast in just three hours with two burners, a toaster oven, and Aaron's tolerance of my pursuit of making my favorite holiday happen on the proper day.  We invited our fellow lecturer, and he considered coming, but sleep ended up taking most of his day away.  We've been working hard the past few weeks!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year: a healthy life, our marriage, our family and friends, our beautiful wedding celebration where we got to spend so much time with our family and friends, living together, having an adventure in Europe, employment, Skype, being able to come home for the holidays....and the list could go on and on.

We sat down to our meal of:
Ex-pat Cranberry Sauce and Aaron's Dinner.
  • turkey scaloppini for Aaron
  • vegetarian gravy for both of us
  • mashed potatoes
  • sweet potatoes for me
  • green bean casserole
and Aaron said his family's special Thanksgiving prayer.  Then we shared what we were both most thankful for this year, and that was having each other.  We got to talk to my family and Aaron's on the phone and on Skype, and we were very happy to see so many faces even if it was for a short time!

We are still going to our friend Todd's house for dinner tonight, and we look forward to continuing the celebration.  Next week, the department is also celebrating, so this is a week-long event for us.  I am very happy to be able to share my favorite holiday with so many people.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!  Happy Thanksgiving!

**You can click on the words in color for the recipe! We'll try to get the ones without a link up soon, so you can check back for those if you want.

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